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Writer's picture: Kerry Sue TeravskisKerry Sue Teravskis

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.  Psalm 23:6  KJV


The eerie alley, the deserted street, the dark of night walking to a car.  The sound of footsteps, the racing heart.  Who likes to be followed?  Especially by someone sinister?  Not anyone I’ve met, that’s for sure.


Being followed brings up images of espionage, hide and seek, cops and robbers, and more.  Some can be played in fun, but most are occasions littered with evil intent.  It’s why we take self defense classes, why we carry pepper spray and keep ‘stranger danger’ eyes alert at all times.


Are we paranoid?  I don’t think so, we are rather, prepared.  We want to be aware of our surroundings and who is in front and behind us.  Praise God He surrounds us, covers us and is our strong tower.  He goes before us like He did with the Israelites in the wilderness and He is our rear guard.  He flanks us and keeps us hemmed in.  We are covered in His goodness.


Which makes Psalm 23:6 so comforting.  God’s goodness follows us.  His very goodness is behind us in all our comings and goings.  What assurance we have with this backup in place. 


Moses begged God to see His glorious presence (Exodus 34:18).  He and God were having an exchange of words over the people Israel.  This conversation immediately follows the golden calf incident – the one filled with idolatry, lies and evasion.  Moses was disgusted with God’s people and God was pointing out to Moses the problem Moses had with Moses’s people.  No one, it seems, wanted to claim this unruly lot.


God said He would go before them, He would lead them, but Moses needed assurance from God it would be so.  God gave him just that – the LORD promised Moses His goodness would pass by – God demonstrated His love to Moses by reminding him Who He was, and is and is to come. 


Moses had to hide in the cleft of the rock in order to be in the Presence of God’s goodness, but he did and God covered him with His mighty hand as He passed by.  This is rich in beauty, imagery and power.  It is one I personally love as I can see this play out and can not only see, but feel the emotions of Moses; but the love of God as He poured His love over this man, this leader of God’s people, this one who would dare to say it like it was with God.


The result?  Not only did God’s goodness pass by, but God spoke.  He spoke His names and His character.  Wow.  Holy ground, and Moses knew it as he immediately threw himself to the ground in worship (see Exodus 33:1-34:9 for the full story).


God does indeed pass by.  And He follows too, with His goodness and mercy.  His goodness is overwhelming but then to add His mercy?  I am undone.  Mercy is unmerited favor from God.  I do not deserve His mercy, love, forgiveness, but He gives it nonetheless.  He lavishes it upon me, upon you.


See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God!  1 John 3:1  NIV


Lavish.  Pour out.  Bestow.  Give.  Over and over in abundance.  Yes, this is the Father, the Abba Daddy.  He chooses to pour out His goodness, love and mercy, and to continually do so.


And if I have any doubt, He chases me down with it too.  He does not leave me hanging out there alone.  He is a Good Shepherd (John 10:11) and keeps me in His fold.  When I wander, I am not alone.  Oh, I like to think I am doing my own thing, but as a parent, He knows where I am at all times.  He is all-knowing, and all seeing.  And all-loving.  I am not outside His reach, even in my rebellious times. 

It is comforting to know one moment does not go by without God’s Presence in my life.  Even in the ongoing affliction, the doubts, the painful relationship troubles, the moments of anguish in prayer over loved ones who are sick or wandering.  God is my El Roi – the God who Sees.  My God who sees me.


Are you feeling left alone?  In a desert parched, needing comfort and a shoulder to cry on?  Feeling unseen, unheard, forgotten?  Feelings are not wrong, they are just feelings and are an indication you are human.  But where we grow and trust in this El Roi, is when we have the feelings in our car but not in the driver’s seat.  That spot is reserved and is already occupied. 


By the One who loves you desperately. 


Enough to follow you with His goodness, mercy, love and Himself.  Rest in this, dear one.


Father God, my Abba Daddy. Thank You for loving me, following me and keeping me in Your sight at all times. It is precious to know Your goodness follows me, Your mercy chases hard after me and I am not alone. Ever. Even in my trials and troubles, You are with Me. With Your love, compassion, goodness, and grace. I fall down in worship, like Moses because this is indeed holy ground. AMEN and AMEN.

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