For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 (NLT)
Having just celebrated Resurrection Sunday, my heart is still full from a powerful sermon, almost 40 baptisms at church and an incredible time singing in choir for all three services on Sunday and for one on Good Friday, and many encouraging conversations with loved ones.

Scripture compares and contrasts God’s love with His Law all throughout the Old Testament and New. One (the Law) pointed out our need for salvation because the Law could not save. It still cannot. The Law shows how sinful we truly are and it leads to condemnation.
Jesus brings God’s love, His goodness, and His faithfulness to life. Yes, God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13;8), but as John wrote in John 1:17, His love came through Jesus.
I need His love and faithfulness every day. I falter, stammer, wander and doubt. I want to run away from the feet, but cannot as they would run with me. No kidding!?

But seriously, it is through suffering I have learned how much I need His faithfulness. He holds me every single day as I wake up in pain, in my daily dose of pain and as I end my day (in pain). He knows what I need to make it through the day and into the night. He sustains me. He keeps me going even when I don’t want to.
I was with Coach this week getting the talus bones (this time) realigned and taped to hold them in place. This is a very painful procedure and the fun part is living and walking in the tape (I’m joking of course). Anyway, I told Coach I was done. And I meant it. For reals. His comment: “That’s nice.”
While it is true he can do nothing to speed up the process, it sure did feel good to say it out loud (for the umpteenth time). For some reason my injury is so complex and because of its complexity my recovery is long, arduous and a slow incline rather than a Mt Everest. I want to be done, over it and ready to move on with life.
But God demonstrates His love and faithfulness to me every day through Jesus even in this – the every day grind of suffering.
He shows me He is here. He draws me in. He holds me close when I have a cry fest. He encourages me through His Word on a daily basis – even in random passages which do not talk about suffering. I am reminded God is for me and cares about me.
For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Psalm 95:7 (NIV)

(this painting is our sheep in our pasture painted for me by my daughter Abbey)
Jesus is the Good Shepherd - God’s love and faithfulness on the ground with us because a shepherd is on the ground with his sheep. He doesn’t leave the sheep to wander. He protects them. He cares for the flock. He provides for the stubborn sheep and sings a lullaby over them at night. I like to picture David with his harp singing to the sheep as they drift off to peaceful sleep.
Our Lord does the same for us (Zephaniah 3:17). He sings over us to calm us and reassure us of His goodness and His care. If I become anxious in my long journey God reminds me He is here.
The Law was never meant to comfort. How can one saddle up to rules and regulations? They are binding and constricting – grace is not a catch-phrase in a land of rules. It is rare (if ever) for an officer of the law not to give an under-the-influence driver, a pass. It would be doing the law and justice a disservice. Much the same with God’s Law.
There are righteous requirements of the Law and they can only be fulfilled through Jesus (Romans 8:3-4). Praise God we have the fulfillment ready and available. Every day and accessible.
In talking with a group of friends this week, one made a comment about a conversation she had with a cousin – she was responding to a question her cousin had about Jesus. And my friend simply stated that with Jesus it’s “One and done.”
How true and concisely put. With Jesus we do not need to offer sacrifices for our sins on a regular basis. Jesus paid it all on the cross. He became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) and fulfilled the requirements of the Law. We can now stand in the presence of our holy God and be found acceptable.
However, we are called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). What does that mean exactly? Paul also calls us to seek the filling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). We are to seek His presence and His will. We are to finish it, and work fully at our walk. We are to come to God daily – it’s a relationship. I would not consider myself in a close relationship with my husband if I never spoke to him after our covenant vows at the altar. It takes engagement day in and day out for a loving and vibrant relation. The same applies with God.
It is here we find our comfort. Our solace. Our belonging. There will be hiccups and missteps, but with God’s grace, we can seek and receive forgiveness and grace, which is abundantly supplied through Jesus.
This is what keeps me going. No matter what, God’s grace is sufficient for me. In my suffering, in my life, in my family and my loved ones. God’s love and compassion fails not and His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.
How about you?
Oh God, thank You for Your faithfulness to me. It is great and abundant. I love seeking You in prayer, praise and worship because it is here I find all I need through Your Son Jesus. Help me Lord to walk out my life with You on a daily basis and to find great joy in the process. You are amazing. In the Name of Jesus. AMEN