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Writer's pictureKerry Sue Teravskis


Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Notice how Peter writes give ALL your worries and cares to God?

Do you find yourself holding ones back because you’re not done ruminating on them?

Don’t know what ruminating is? Go look in a pasture where there’s lots of cows. You’ll see them at it. Sheep do it too. At least ours do. Over and around, chomp and swish. For long periods of time. Over and over - it does not seem as if the thing being ruminated gets any smaller - it’s just there.

Is that we we do?


I want to type no, but to be honest, I have to say yes.

Over and over in my mind with all the different options, outlooks, details. I go through them all and even come up with new stuff.

When will I stop ruminating and start trusting? An honest question that deserves an honest answer.

Ok, I’ll say it.


Yes, I will give my worries and cares - A L L of them - to God.

Peter goes on to say that we give them to God BECAUSE He cares for us. That’s WHY I should. It’s His love that compels me to stop, drop and walk away with empty worry/care buckets. Or even no buckets at all. Enough already!


can run to the throne room, with immediate access and once there I can lay it all down. Every last drop. It sure makes worship easier when I’m not dragging around my buckets of worry. I can focus all my attention on God as my Father so that everything pales in comparison to His surpassing greatness.

It seems that I can trust Him with the big stuff, but God is calling me to trust Him with the little stuff too. That’s what ALL means.

I’m in. How about you?


Father God, I run into Your throne room with my buckets and literally let them fall from my tired and aching hands. I cannot carry them anymore. You know which ones I’m talking about. All the cares and worries are Yours. I’m done worrying. You are capable, able, mighty, willing and available. For this I am truly thankful. AMEN.

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