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Writer's picture: Kerry Sue TeravskisKerry Sue Teravskis

This blog was written in the second year of my affliction in March 2022. (I was injured in early February 2020 and that lasted until late October 2024.) I just found it tucked in my emails - I put it here now because God's Truth still is true.


I want to report to you friends that my imprisonment here has had the opposite of

its intended effect. Instead of being squelched, the Message has actually

prospered. Philippians 1:12


Watchman Nee was imprisoned 20+ years and relentlessly beaten for his faith.

Corrie ten Boom, along with many family members, was taken captive by Nazi

Germany and sent to concentration camps. Amy Carmichael was confined to her

bed for the last 25 years of her life.


It may seem that the flame of these lives for Christ were extinguished, but the

opposite was true. Persecution served to ignite a larger flame - to grow the

church, to allow the gospel to penetrate deeper into previously unapproachable

lives, countries, communities.


God’s Word cannot be silenced, neither can God’s people. Paul was in prison

when he penned the book of Philippians and as he states in Philippians 1:12, his

imprisonment only served to fuel the gospel’s fire. Many guards came to faith –

God had given Paul a new platform. The prison guards were a captive audience

and God used the imprisonment and Paul’s obedience to spread the gospel – fruit

was produced and harvested.


Being confined to my room (thanks to broken feet/damaged muscles, tendons and

ligaments) for most of the pandemic caused me to redefine the purpose of

imprisonment. Where the world says, “Out of commission,” God says, “New

opportunities.” I was tempted numerous times to plan the pity party complete with

party favors, but by God’s grace I was able to endure the race. It was not easy and

in fact I am still very much confined in my recovery process.


However, I have learned to listen, strive for contentment and to count it all joy. It

is during this time that God has done a work – in me. Not only has He given me a broader platform but a wider audience. He allowed me to plan and execute a

wedding, begin writing, relaunch a weekly women’s Bible study, make phone calls, send messages, pray and be still.


Imprisonment causes one to take stock and leave behind the hindrances and strive toward the prize. It’s not easy. Being free allows God to use our broken vessels for the gospel. Light pours out of those broken vessels. His light to a dark and dying world. The world is watching how we handle imprisonment.

Do we praise or complain? Do we choose joy or anger? Do we pick up our cross

and follow Jesus, no matter the cost? Is the flame ignited in us, too?



FATHER GOD, You are worth it all because You paid it all. May Your flame ignite

my flame and fuel it to burn ever brighter. May I not squelch the fire, but add

wood – worship, prayer, obedience, cross-bearing. May I honestly say, “Thank

You for times of imprisonment because it’s Your refiner’s fire doing a work – in

me.” AMEN

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