So Abram settled in the land of Canaan, and Lot moved his tents to a place near Sodom and settled among the cities of the plain. Genesis 13:12 NLT
Settled is an interesting word. It conjures up images of moving day – whether going off to college, your first house, a momentous move. Once the beds are made in the new place, it helps to feel more settled.
Having moved quite a bit in my life, I prefer a more settled-ness in my every day. The idea of packing up and moving on is overwhelming and can set me into a tailspin, partly because of the work and partly because of the emotions relating to the move.
Abram and his nephew Lot are not two peas in a pod. There are vast differences – normal in any family. But, is there something more we can learn from these two men?
Abram had been called by the LORD in the previous chapter. He had been called to pack up, and move to an unknown place. Not only that, but God was making a covenant with him – an everlasting promise of generational blessings, not only to him, but ultimately to what would be the nation of Israel, and then to the Gentiles. An huge calling out, covenant and promise.
Most likely Abram did not understand the full implications of this – he was a prudent, albeit wealthy man who lived in tents in the desert. God singled him out and began a work. What was a key element on Abram’s side?
Oh, he was not perfect, and he tried to help God out multiple times, and he even lied, but he did do some incredible acts of obedience as a result of his faith.
It was by faith Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. Hebrews 11:8 NLT

What is faith? What is obedience? What is settled? We are given the definition of faith by the writer of Hebrews:
Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1 NLT
Jesus Himself demonstrated immediate obedience and we are told by the Apostle Paul in very poignant words the significance of His obedience:
He humbled Himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Philippians 2:8
And settled.
This brings us back to Abram and Lot. Both of these men settled – but one settled in obedience and the other in selfishness. Abram (being the older uncle) gave Lot the choice to pick which land to settle in. Lot chose the better land. One where he would feel more comfortable, profitable and have the best of it all.
Abram was left with second skimmings.
However, our story does not end here. One story ends with blessing upon blessing, the other with disobedience, heartache and death – along with a mountain of salt.
Abram followed where God was already going. He had been called and was following God in that call. Lot was just there – the nephew, the troubled sidekick. Lot was in it for himself – we do not see him inquiring of the Lord for his choices, obedience or lifestyle.
We are given a definition of the community of where Lot settled –
But the people of this area were extremely wicked and constantly sinned against the LORD. Genesis 13:13 NLT
Newsflash: without the LORD leading us, we cannot change people or a place. We cannot change a wicked evil place bent of sinning against the LORD. Lot did not seek to obey God, he sought to satisfy self. With disastrous results.

In Genesis 19:1 we find Lot sitting at the gate of the city of Sodom. To sit at the city gate meant you were part of community life, you helped settle legal matters, you were part of the town council, so to speak. Not only did Lot walk in Sodom, but he stood among the people and eventually pulled up a chair and sat.
Did you know Sodom means burning in Hebrew? Do you remember how Sodom is described in Genesis 13:13?
Lot’s intentions may have been good to be in Sodom, or maybe not. But eventually one could not distinguish between him and the Sodomites. Lot was a nephew of Abram, a man who walked by faith, who followed God where he was already going. Lot did not follow in the family line, nor in his uncle's footsteps - and more importantly, Lot did not follow where God was going nor did he desire to deny self.
What does this mean to us? How can I put this into terms in 2025?
Bottom line: who am I following and where am I settling?
How about you?
Father, I want to follow You and settle where You want me to settle. I want to go where You are going. I want to walk like Your Son - in obedience, love and grace. I do not want to walk, stand or sit with those who defame You or who do not believe in You. I may be in the world, but I do not want to be of the world. With Your help, I can seek You and only You. I need Your help.